Tactile Art: Expanding Access to Information

Summer Forest Floor by Ann Cunningham, photo courtesy the artist. This image tests the limits of tactile discernment

Tactile Art: Expanding Access to Information
Ann Cunningham, Matthew Gesualdi and Nicole Johnson
Jul 22, 2020 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join three leaders in the emerging field of tactile graphics to see how tangible pictures can expand access to information. Explore how your ideas and art could be shared with a wider and more diverse audience!  

Ann Cunningham teaches art at the Colorado Center for the Blind. Ann has created accessible children’s books and public artwork for institutions across the U.S.
Matthew Gesualdi, holds a B.A. in Industrial Design and an M.A. in Educational Leadership, with expertise in 3D printing. He is currently a member of the Denver Art Museum’s Access Advisory Group.
Nicole Johnson is pursuing a Ph.D. within the ATLAS Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder. She produces tactile graphics for higher education textbooks.

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