Cafe Botanique, November 4, 6:30 p.m. - Gates Hall

(Kevin Sloan, Birds of America – The Ascension of Martha, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 60”x54”)

Visual Storytelling by Kevin Sloan

At the core of my work is a deep concern and respect for our planet particularly its "silent inhabitants" - the animals and plants we share this world with.
Through allegory and symbolism Kevin Sloan expresses this concern and at the same time reminds viewers of the wonders in this extraordinary world. He seeks to create a body of work that can speak about our modern technological environment and simultaneously present images of natural balance, odd, unexpected beauty and mystery. His paintings consistently refer back to nature but also acknowledge contemporary society and thus create a dialog between the modern world we've created and the fragile, quiet, and always present natural environment.
Often lush, sometimes stark and theatrical, Kevin Sloan’s "allegorical realism" paintings always ask more questions than they present answers. They aspire to start a conversation about our relationship with nature in this modern, technological and quickly changing era.”

Currently based in Denver, Colorado, Kevin Sloan has been painting and exhibiting internationally for nearly 30 years.  His wonder in the extraordinary and quirky beauty of the natural world is apparent in all his work.